Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Being Effie White

It's a shame to admit it, but I've only seen "Dreamgirls" today.

I'm not a huge fan of musicals. I don't hate them, but I don't like them that much, either. They don't exactly land on my priority list when I decide what movies to watch. Case in point: I have not seen a single installment in the "High School Musical" series. So sue me.

I have to admit that the recent tragedy in Jennifer Hudson's life was what lured me to watch "Dreamgirls". Does it sound too morbid? Not to me. I figured, hey, I keep seeing this girl on the news these days, I've seen her perform and be eliminated on "American Idol" (which, by the way, I still feel is an injustice) and I watched her accept her Oscar for this flick, so why not watch the movie?

Happily, I was not disappointed. Jennifer Hudson's big voice is already a given, but she breathed so much life into Effie White. Her character is fascinating.

We've all been an Effie White at some point in our lives.

In my case, when I look back on my past, I can recall those times when people took credit for what was the product of my hard work. Oh, I had lots of those. I remember moments when I've felt betrayed. They took the form and shape of "friends", co-workers, lovers, even family members. I also think I did my share of standing up to those who would love to see me fail, to lock horns and fight for my principles in the face of overwhelming bias and personal discrimination.

And even when you've faced several heartaches and heartbreaks, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with them. It still feels as shitty as the first time.

It's hard not to pity yourself during those moments. But, like Effie, it's up to us whether we choose to languish in the mire of depression, or use our big voices to be heard.

And WIN.

What was your Effie White moment?


Kaye said...

yup, i also found Jennifer Hudson's Effie portrayal amazing. she had so much emotion, di mo alam kung san nya yun hinugot. :-)

and yes, many times i have also been "effied." the corporate world is so full of sh**ty people (masquerading as your bosses) who would always claim the credit for themselves even if they know they didn't do an iota of the whole thing.

oh, and don't forget, i am not just a corporate slave, i am also a ghost writer. haha.

iluzionada said...

ah, i had a brief taste of the corporate world so now i know EXACTLY what you mean ;) sabagay, better an effie than an andrea...imagine having miranda priestly as your boss, hahaha.