I have to wonder these days if there's something wrong with my taste. A lot of people I know loved 2012, but as you have read here, I wasn't exactly thrilled about it.
Now, almost everyone is raving about the movie New Moon on their Facebook walls - either in eager, hip-writhing anticipation of watching, or in jubilation after being one of the first to catch it on-screen. Stephanie Meyer fans can rest easy, you have one less competition for seats here. I will not be queuing up for that movie anytime.
Don't get me wrong. I know the story of the Twilight series. In fact, I own the lot. So how do I explain owning the entire series when I'm not such a fan? Well, I finished the first book, and so I took it upon myself to go through all four books. After all, one must finish what one has started. Although some parts appealed to my long-forgotten teenage heart and reminded me how it felt like to have a really serious infatuation, I mostly suffered through the thick volumes. Especially New Moon. Bella is just too full of herself, and I am not about to apologise for that opinion.
I suppose the book version is okay, except that I am not the target market. Reading it did not feel any different from going through a copy of Goth-infused Sweet Valley High. It's too teenybopper. Which I guess would explain the brouhaha over Robert Pattison and his cohorts. (Imagine being hit by a car, trying to run away from frenzied teenagers - these rabidly "crush-ing" 16-year-olds will sooner drive RP to an untimely death, rather than succeed in having him kiss them)
Which leads me to another point. Why on God's green earth do people seem to think RP is perfect as Edward? So NOT! The book used glowing adjectives like beautiful, perfect, God-like, ethereal and all the wonderful superlatives you can come up with. Sadly, the screen version (I watched Twilight on DVD) falls oh-so-short of these heavenly attributes. RP looks like the classic vampire, which is a corpse. Awful acting, dead eyes. Oh dear, maybe that's why I thought he was perfect as Cedric Diggory. He died.
I expect an angry throng beating down my front door now, waiting to stone me to death. But, really, Brad Pitt is the closest thing to a perfect vampire if there ever was one. And Anne Rice will kick Stephanie Meyer's ass any day.
P.S. I am still contemplating whether I should post a question on my FB, as to why everyone is so excited about the gosh-darned movie. Then again, my Twilight fan-friends will probably try to talk me into watching it, and wax poetic over RP, so maybe it isn't such a wise thought...
there is nothing wrong with your taste. because, i can tell you with such authority that there is nothing wrong with mine. and i agree with your opinion.
i didn't watch 2012. the premise had me curious but not enough to get me out of my boring routine. from the opinions i heard, the movie was predictable and sadly miscast.
as for new moon, just like you, i read the series. but i was lucky enough to have my wits about at the time so i didn't spend book money on it.
i also share your opinion about new moon. i found bella pathetic and too self-involved and insensitive and selfish. jumping off a cliff to hear the voice of your ex-boyfriend who dumped you (i don't care for whatever reason)? hello?!
i also kind of agree with your RP observation. The guy is NOT beautiful. and he poses a lot. he even reminds me of Horatio Kane from CSI:Miami who always has to assume a pose before spewing his lines, like he's always waiting for females to scream after he reaches the period.
glad you didn't post your opinions on FB. i might just find you crucified on your bathroom door. we don't want that.
2012 can be summarised in three sentences: ancient people correctly predict earth's demise. disasters of catastrophic proportions inundate the world. main character lives to tell the tale. so, there, it's almost like you watched it :)
you got me in stitches over the RP-horatio kane comparison. for all we know, he's an endorser of ray-ban aviators...he always has to take off the blasted things before he delivers his line.
hmmm...seems the long comment i made when this was posted earlier didn't make it.
anyways, as I said there, i also can't fathom why kids adore RP so much. hell, he looks nowhere near the "beautiful" vampire described in the book.
anyway, we haven't watched new moon either, tho am sure kara still wants to. we were supposed to watch except that she got sick. and now, what time do we still have before it disappears in theaters? or maybe we'll just buy the cheap/fake dvds peddled everywhere. hahaah! might not be worth it to pay a few hundred pesos. but at least if we ever catch it up in a nearby cinema, we wouldn't anymore be sitting beside mobs of teenagers going gaga over RP. or would we?
As to Dementia's observations, haha! that got me laughing. I can imagine david caruso striking that overly-used pose. tama. horatio nga! ;-)
yes, better to watch it on dvd, i guess. and i don't think kara will pass on the opportunity to watch it, i know she's a big fan of the twilight series.
by the way, did she ever get the extra set of books she wanted? i remember she put that on the wishlist i asked from you. you might want to ask her to make a new wishlist for christmas :) i know she is being showered with gifts this season, especially after she so bravely fought dengue, but i think another small reward from her lovely (ahem) ninang won't hurt.
oh, and if you must know, dementia there is a fellow piscean, thus the spot-on comment (we're all such pintaseras, hahaha).
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