I just won my first-ever bid on eBay today! Not that there was any stiff competition (I believe I was the only one who bid for the product!), but nevertheless, it still felt rewarding.
My purchase is a copy of Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident, in the old cover design that I wanted. The price difference from the online purchase versus the usual retail price wasn't all that astronomical (UP: about $14.50; eBay price: $10). So why not just go to the nearest mall and get a brand-new copy?
I have this thing about collecting books in old(er) covers, particularly if they come in a series. I guess it's a habit I got from an old colleague of mine, who would pore over the shelves on second-hand book shoppes for old cover designs. I thought that was a really cool idea, and so a few weeks after I discovered that hobby of his, I was already competing with him on the shelves (one time, he made a mistake of putting down a copy of Stephen King's The Shining because he couldn't make up his mind. He regretted it after I snapped it up in less than 10 seconds.).
Going back to the AF series, I wanted it because of the cover, as I had purchased books 1 and 3 in the same design, and what is available in the bookstores are those in the crappy new cover (t would ruin my collection's look). Book 1 was bought from an out-of-the-way children's book shoppe, which I thought I could drag my lazy arse to any old time I wanted the next installments. But, yeah, I've got a lazy arse, so Book 1 was long finished and I still had no Book 2.
Then, a few weeks ago, there was a big book sale at the city area. My friend told me to go because she had seen a lot of AFs and Paulo Coelhos. But because I was in another place at the time, I opted to go the following day. By the time I arrived, all the AFs were gone, save for a worn-out-ish copy of Book 3, in the cover I wanted. So I bought that, along with a host of other titles.
And now, at last, I have found Book 2! Didn't I say it was rewarding? And it comes with free personal delivery :)
I love Artemis Fowl! I'm delighted that you have discovered him.
yes, D, thanks for the reco :) i'm on a fairy streak these days. just finished reading "13 treasures" and "13 curses" by michelle harrison. i noticed most of the recent books i read were mostly depressing, so i shifted to more juvenile titles for the meantime. (the 13s were not as good as AF, though, but still entertaining)
OC much? hehehe.
congratulations on your find. I have yet to read the AF series but it's one of those I want included in my book collection, so I am pretty sure I would buy the books too, one of these days.
happy reading!
Oh, I wouldn't say OC. Just...particular ;)
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