Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Bright Morning

Since childhood, I had been the type to hide my real emotions. Call it a defense mechanism, but I've programmed myself to respond apathetically to things that would normally reduce us to a pile of jittery nerves. In fact, I have received many a compliment on being cool in the face of tremendous pressure.

I was probably a bit more upset with the changes than I have let on. I'm guessing my Divine Writer played a little trick on me to force me to face my issues. He uprooted me and took me away from all the things and people I had clung to for security. He left me all by myself. He literally put me in front of four white walls, and made me listen to my heart.

I was shaken. But I never resented Him for it. In fact, I woke up this morning feeling better.

He was wise enough to rouse me awake, to leave me alone to confront my fears, yet He threw in a lifeline or two. I was able to talk to my husband. And strangely, He showed me that one of the people whom I thought could never be a real friend offered her support.

He really moves in mysterious ways. I have been purged of many of my uncertainties and now have a fresher outlook. I was taught to trust completely and nothing can ever go wrong.

He just gave me my first speaking line on my Script: Let go and let God.

And what a beautiful line it is!


Kaye said...

Hey, all I can do now is visit your blog from time to time for updates. for all the time you have in your hands now, you don't seem to remember to email me and tell me (an apology would be really nice) why you never called or sent one text message to let me know why you left without saying goodbye. :-(

i am waiting...

but hold on dear. It's really tough especially leaving miguel behind, but we all know God is on your side and as long as you are willing to do your part of the bargain, i know all your dreams not only for yourself but moreso for miguel, will all be realized. take care. i love you dearly!

iluzionada said...

i emailed you a lengthy apology (*sheepish look*)

but, yes, i'm keeping the faith. and what keeps me going is the fact that friends like you stay with me through hell and high water.

miss you, mare. i love you :)