I was supposed to put up a post before 2009 ended. However, the holiday rush caught up with me, and between my work and my family life, I lost the opportunity to complete the entry. Well, better late than never.
Looking back, last year:
...hubby and I were still struggling a bit in this new place. Now, I think we are in a much better position than we were a year ago and can afford a few of our small luxuries. We're also closer to completing payments for some of our major purchases. Woohoo!
...I just started out at work. Today, I am more comfortable in the workplace and gained friends in the form of my colleagues.
...I lost a high school friend and an uncle. But I believe I just gained two more prayer warriors who'll incessantly plead my cases to The Big Guy Up There.
...I missed Manila a whole lot. I still do.
...I argued a lot with my mother on the phone. We now end our conversations with I love you and I miss you.
...I lived with my family in a very basic (read: crappy) flat. We have since moved to a better location, with a very homey atmosphere.
...the quantity and quality of my blogs increased. I hope to outdo myself this year.
Overall, I was very blessed in 2009. I thank my Divine Writer for making it a challenging yet rewarding time. I ask for His continued blessings in the coming year.
And because He was very generous to me, I would like to pay Him in a small measure by improving myself. This year, I resolve to:
...find more opportunities to communicate with Him.
...be less critical of myself and others.
...be more patient and less short-tempered. I know I sometimes hurt my husband and son when I have those occasional - okay, not-so-occasional - outbursts, and I am endlessly sorry for that.
...be wiser with my spending. I know I should take my savings more seriously this time around.
...drink more water and take less soda.
...spend less time on the internet (Facebook seriously hogs time!). Less time on the computer means more time for my loved ones.
...be less whingey when hubby goes on his business trips.
...be more productive, both at home and at work.
...be more organised.
...blog even more.
I hope I can keep my resolutions. After all, a new year calls for new beginnings.
Speaking of new beginnings, my son entered a new phase in his life. He is now officially a school boy!
Last Monday, hubby and I played the supportive parents by attending the school orientation with our son. He seemed happy in his new environment, and he was eagerly checking out the toys and all the interesting stuff inside. Actually, on our way to school, he asked me, "Mommy, why do you have to come with me?" Sigh. It stung a bit, but I was glad to see then that he would have to trouble adjusting.
Turned out I spoke too soon. Yesterday, Grandma reported that he threw a royal hissy fit in class. Two hours into the session (he is scheduled for four-hour daily classes), he realised that none of us were around. He howled for all he was worth and none of the teachers could get him to quiet down! Dear Lord! Some of our acquaintances even said he was banging on the door. Good thing Grandma arrived and he calmed down, but everytime she would disappear from his sight, he would start whimpering again. Oh boy.
I understood he must have felt abandoned (he confirmed that he started crying when he saw Grandma wasn't around). I think what made it worse was when he saw some of the other kids' moms were peeping through the windows, but he could not see a familiar face to wave at.
It was time to put all my pseudo-psychiatry on a test run. I talked to him last night and explained there was no need to feel scared. I also took a desk calendar and drew a smiley face for 4 January, and a sad face on the 5th. I told him that if there are more smiley faces than sad faces for the week, he will get a reward on Saturday; if there are a lot of sad faces, then he won't get any treats. He looked like he understood, so he chose his reward: a trip to the candy shoppe to get some jellybeans. He also said the sad faces "looked weird and funny", so he vowed not to add any more to the calendar.
Apart from the bedtime pep talk I gave him, I also left a letter for him to read before he goes to school. Basically, I told him to be brave and have fun at school. (update: I just chatted with him a few minutes ago, and he said he promises "not to break his smile today")
I really hope all the encouragement works. I know that separation anxiety is all part and parcel of a child's growing pains, and that it's perfectly healthy, but of course I do not want him to be traumatised by the experience. School is meant to be a happy place, and I hope he believed me when I told him that his class is his very own special place to enjoy. Let's see what happens today (all fingers and toes crossed!).
I started catching up on my reading late last year. I'm glad to report I'm gaining some headway into the little reading list I made a few months ago. It's a nice feeling when you finally purchase a hard-to-find title. My first purchases for the year:
And, finally, the first Monday of the year saw my hubby on yet another business trip. Oops, I promised not to be whingey. Right. I'll shut up now, I think.
Happy New Year! So exciting that your son is starting school already. Goodluck with that!
Happy new year to you, too! Read your post and I'm glad you're getting all cushy with motherhood :)
Yes, we need a lot of luck with nursery school! He's still adjusting so I think it will take a few more days (hopefully just days!) before he starts enjoying the new environment.
hey. those were pretty nice and creative ways of assuring miguel and making him want to go to school. that calendar thing is really good.we have one very smart boy naman kasi.
anyway, i just hope i remember what you did with miguel when jem finally goes to school himself because i am pretty sure we'll have one tough time ourselves.
please kiss and hug miguel for me. and tell him that ninang kaye is cheering him on. i hope he gets used to his new school soon.
i think motherhood forces you to be more inventive :) the first order of the day was to understand where the tantrums were coming from, especially since he almost never cries. after that, it was easy to figure out how to reward him because i know the things he likes.
hopefully, my site will still be up by the time jem goes to school :) oh, and i'm happy to report that my son survived an entire session yesterday - sans tears! will probably give a more detailed account on my next blog.
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